About Poxodd
Contact: info@poxodd.com
About The Name Poxodd
It is pronounced just as it looks (‘pox’ as in ‘chicken pox’ with ‘odd’ as in ‘odd and even’ tacked on). It is also fine to just call me Pox, which is what most of my friends do.
I’m a She/Her but if you accidentally mistake me for a guy because all you had to go on was my name, no worries that happens all the time. I am not sensitive about my name or my gender.
I made up the name Poxodd when I was a teenager and changed it officially when I turned 18. I don’t have an amazing story about why, my biggest reason is that it sounded cool to me and I wasn’t a huge fan of my given name. People always found my given name to be “beautiful” or “pretty”, but I never really understood or liked the compliment. Changing my name to Poxodd fixed it so people now comment that my name is “unusual” or “interesting” which are things that I’d rather identify with.

About This Website
Pretty much everything on my website is written in first person because I, Poxodd, run this website myself. I built it, I maintain it, I write everything and do nearly everything for it! I feel like it is my own little digital home and I do my best to make sure it is always running well and easy to use.
I would appreciate it if you let me know if you find anything on the website that’s not working properly, looks wonky or needs to be updated. Thanks!
I’m not all that into commissions. While I do work with others sometimes, it’s almost always more of a collaborate-for-fun type of a deal which I much prefer to paid commissions. You can always ask, but I have a bunch of my own projects to work on so I usually pass on commission offers.
About Art By Poxodd
I’m an artist who grew up in Santa Cruz California and I currently reside in Reno, Nevada.
I work in many mediums such as paint (gouache, casein, watercolor), pen and ink, digital, animation, and more. However, my main focus is fine art painting with traditional water media. In earlier years, I focused mostly on pen and ink drawings and gouache paintings. While I still do those (especially when it comes to smaller works), more recently my medium of choice has been Casein because it’s easier for me to make larger works with and I’ve been enjoying making bigger pieces.
My main motivation for making art is the process. I love doing it and I feel like it helps keep me sane. My goal for the end artworks are to make them intriguing, unique, extraordinary and entertaining to look at.
Most of my artworks are inspired by my various fascinations (such as nature, music, creatures, unusual figures) and things I encounter in the world. My works are heavy on detail, movement/flow and a sense of texture.
I am big lover of music so I’ve done several album covers for musicians such as Renaldo and The Loaf, The Darkening Scale, Locust Fellow and Friends. I have also done many things with Ostrich Von Nipple. Make sure to check them all out!
This year I am working on returning to a bit more of a focus on selling, so make sure to join my email list or follow me on social media if you are interested in purchasing my work.
follow me at any or all of these places:
About Page – Last Updated 6/11/2024