New painting in gouache. A pack of wild dogs roams the streets during sunrise in Dog Head valley.

Nature Lover Painting
Sorry I haven’t posted paintings lately… here’s one that I did a while ago (I believe during winter when I was missing springtime). Finally my wild flower garden is in full bloom and I realized it was a good time to take a pic of it.

Down The Rabbit Hole
Check it out everyone, something to brighten your day in the difficult times we are in right now. Ostrich has been pretty quiet as of recent, but finally he pokes his head out to bring us some wonderful tunes… and for free! Thank goodness, some good news right? So no reason not to check out this great little ‘single’ by my ol’ buddy Ostrich Von Nipple (with art by Poxodd)! Pick it up at Psychofon Records and Enjoy!

A flower too big for the greenhouse.
Been doing a few paintings along the same lines as the flower factory painting in my last post. Here’s one of them! Gouache on paper 12″ X 18″

The Flower Factory
Been working on this painting off and on for quite a while (at least a year, maybe more who knows!) and I’ve decided to call it finished. Seems like a particularly appropriate painting for the times, since many are isolating at home because of the virus, and this piece really has a ‘people hiding away in their homes’ feel. Much more figure-less than most of my paintings. Thank goodness deliveries are still happening, thank you truckers and delivery persons!
This one is rather large and detailed so I’ve included a bunch of close ups. 18″ x 24″ gouache painting on paper.

Coloring Pages
I made a new page here on my website for my free coloring page downloads. I plan on adding more, when I do they’ll show up there! Also, for easy access to this page, you may notice that I’ve added it to the main menu.

Fireplace Art Supplies
I recently did this bird painting and decided it needed a cool frame. The artwork seems like a ‘bird contemplating a wildfire’ type situation to me so I decided the frame should be covered in charcoal, which I harvested from my fireplace. Really love the texture it gives, I’m happy with the results!

Jelly & Turtle Custom Bass
Did a painting for my husband’s custom bass a while ago. He made the bass from parts, and I painted the painting on heavy watercolor paper and mounted it to the bass.
The painting is gouache paint sprayed with quite a few coats of Krylon Crystal Clear Acrylic coating, and then waxed with Dorland’s Wax Medium (to reduce sheen and prevent acrylic tackiness problems). Mounted the paper to the bass with Golden Acrylic Soft Gel.
Painted it probably a year ago or so and the finish has held up well to regular usage.

Now Available! Gurdy Hurding Vinyl from Secret Records.
Hey check this out! A new Renaldo & The Loaf – Gurdy Hurding Vinyl from Secret Records is now available! Isn’t it gorgeous?
It’s always an honor doing things for Renaldo and The Loaf and I am really happy I got to do some new art for this piece. The packaging design came together quite well and the colored vinyl looks fabulous. Best of all there’s also new music on Side D, so make sure to pick this one up! Check out and their FB official group for more info on RaTL in general.

Fancy Frames
Workin’ on making special frames for my art so that the frame is also part of the art itself. Made one for a small jellyfish piece I did back in March, and also made one for a drawing of a costumed chameleon I did. Really liking how these things are working out, which is good because I find traditional framing a bit boring.

Tryin’ Stuff Out
Just recently got started painting with casein paints and both the previous painting I posted and this painting are a lot more spontaneous when it comes to composition than most artwork that I do. I’m so used to having to plan stuff out (particularly because I did carefully planned pen and ink drawings for so long), that painting with no strong outcome in mind feels strange but fun. Most of the reason I decided I wanted to work without a plan was because I wanted to practice painting with casein, and I wanted to be able to play around with it and change stuff on a whim and even if I ruined it somehow it wouldn’t be a big deal since I had no particular expectations anyways. Thankfully this one turned out pretty neat. A bit more abstract than usual… but I like it.

Lazy River Oasis
This is a painting I did recently of a swampy lazy river oasis that attracts unusual critters.
Casein painting on 16″ x 20″ panel.

Time for a Feast
It’s arrived! The second issue of the Bird Dreams Zine series. It’s called Feast and is bird and food themed, and very much along the same lines with the art as Bird Dreams Plumage. Speaking of Plumage, I stopped making the first edition of it and we’re now onto the second edition which is also now available. You can also now get both zines at the same time and save a buck. Also, I made a blank greeting/note card to go with the new feast zine which you can buy on it’s own, or pick it up along with the new zine – you’ll save $1 off buying them separately… and bonus, if you opt in for the card, I will also sign the zine!
So please have a stop by my Etsy shop and check out all the new stuff. Most of it is also available on eBay too if you prefer.

Sale on Bird Dreams – Plumage 1st Edition
Next week, I’m expecting to release the second edition of Bird Dreams – Plumage and first edition of Bird Dreams – Feast. Until then, I’ve put the first edition of Bird Dreams – Plumage on Sale – 25% OFF at my Etsy shop and $1.00 off on eBay (it was $4.50, now it’s $3.50) until next Thursday to make room for the new zines! So if you want to get your hands on a first edition version hurry up and get it while you still can.
The differences between the two editions are fairly minor, the first edition is home printed on speckled paper and has borders, while the new one is professionally printed on white satin paper and the art goes to the edge.

Cloud Collectin’
Recently did this 12″ square gouache/watercolor painting on various papers collaged together. I will probably put this and a few other small works up for sale soon, so stay tuned here or on my Instagram (which is the online place I’m most active these days) if you’re interested in purchasing a PoxArt piece.

Gourd Tootin’
Pretty much finished with the companion to the painting I posted about previously. It’s another gouache painting on watercolor paper, 12″ x 18″.
I kind of think of the two as brother and sister, since I started with the same drawing for both figures, but modified the arms/legs/instrument/clothing to make two different figures.

Spring Flowers
Yay! The weather is nice and it finally feels like spring. Winter seemed to last soooo long but working on this and daydreaming of warm, flower worthy weather helped get through winter without going toooooo insane. ;p

Also, working on a piece similar to this one, in order to create a nice little pair. Still in the middle of painting it though.

Birds & Bugs Art Card Set
I made sets of artist trading card prints based on gouache paintings that I did recently and now they’re up for sale at my Etsy Shop or on ebay. The theme is birds and bugs. Each card is 2.5″ x 3.5″ and are quite thick as far as trading cards go. I make them myself at home and the quality is really nice. They also come in a little folder with clear sleeves attached as a way to display and/or store the set. This is a ‘whenever I feel like making them’ low quantity type thing. So if you find I’m sold out, check back later or bug me to make another batch (I make a batch of 6 sets at a time) and perhaps I will if I’m not too busy with other things.

How I do a Pen and Ink
Occasionally I get asked about my process, which is cool because I’m always happy to talk about it. This time I figured I’d put it into a blog post so I have somewhere to point to for people who are interested in how I do a color pen and ink piece. Perhaps I’ll do another on gouache later. Watch the video for a time lapse version of the piece pictured below. Turn down your sound if you don’t want to listen to bird singing ;D
So first thing I do is make a pencil drawing on watercolor paper. For pen and ink I really like Fabriano Artistico hot press watercolor paper because it’s 100% cotton and it’s durable with a very smooth surface. Any quality 100% cotton hot press paper is probably fine, it’s harder to achieve a nice even wash on a lesser paper so I invest in the good stuff because it makes life easier. When I do a pencil sketch on the paper, I try to be as minimal as possible, and draw as lightly as possible because I’m going to be erasing it.

After pencil sketch is complete, I do the main outline of my composition with a dip pen (G nib or Mapping Nib), or a micron. Then I wait until the ink is dry, depending on pen used it can vary. A few hours and I’m usually good, maybe less if I’m using a particularly fast drying pen. (side note: sometimes I make lines on a piece of scrap at the same time as doing the outline, so I can brush water over the line that’s on scrap after I think it’s dry, to test and make sure it’s dry – some waterproof pens take a while to become waterproof even after they seem dry). Then I erase the pencil, usually with a kneaded eraser.

And then I’m ready to do the color. It’s very much like filling in a coloring book at this point but with watercolor paints. Right now I’m using Mission Gold watercolors. They’re vibrant and work well with my pen and ink style. Any quality watercolor would probably do – I avoid student grade because it sucks (LOL) also, it might leave too much binder on the surface which may effect doing pen over the top later (it might gum up the pen which is frustrating).

When it comes to watercolor, I’m very much into glazing. That means I like to do lighter/thin multiple layers to build up color. I usually like doing the coloring with a 4, 8 and 12 round watercolor brush (For doing small paintings 8″ X 10″ or smaller thereabouts, I’m working on a 5″ x 7″ here). Brushes that are too small for the job will tend to result in an uneven wash because small brushes don’t spread the paint around as fast or as well as a larger brush. One of my go-to brands for brushes recently is Princeton Velvetouch I’ve found them to be a solid value, the rounds come to a nice point and they last a fairly long time.

One thing that is important (but sometimes still forget to do) when it comes to watercolor is making sure to mix up more than enough paint to fill in an area, and have it mixed with the right amount of water ahead of time. It’s too hard to match the mix on the fly. Also I always have my brushes, clean water, some towels and some scrap paper ready before starting to paint. Taking time to mix color or pause for whatever reason in the middle of painting a shape will increase the chance it will dry unevenly and blotchy, so… gotta be ready. There is more to say about the basics of watercolor but I think at this point I’m just going to refer you to The Mind Of Watercolor channel on Youtube because this guy is way more knowledgeable than me about the subject and he’s already got a bunch of great tutorial videos that teach the basics. I did some trial and error trying to figure out watercolor on my own at first and I really wish I had just watched this guys videos earlier. Once you understand how watercolor works, things like the various stages of dryness and all that…. oh man… it’s a lot easier to get good results.

So yeah, as I said, glazing… I basically do 2 or 3 layers of watercolor on top of each other (making sure it’s dried to bone dry between each later). The watercolor painted part is then complete. Time for pen details! Most of the time I start by going back over the outline in a lot of places, making it a little fatter and more tidy. Then I do stippling and line shading all over. As far as pens go I like a dip pen and blick black cat ink, but a micron is good too (microns put down a line that is less dark and juicy with ink than a dip pen, but they are less messy and less prone to smudge). Also the micron is more of an even line where is the dip pen you can go thick or thin easier. I also like to use colored microns or watercolor in a dip pen to do colored lines and stippling sometimes instead of black ink. That’s basically it! Hopefully that covers it for the most part. Feel free to ask questions or comment via comment form below, or send me an email (if you already know it), or use my contact form.

Stuck Bad
Proud to announce, now available… Stuck Bad!!! A cover verion of the album Duck Stab (by The Residents) by The Darkening Scale! I did the cover art and package design for this piece. Duck Stab is a classic and The Darkening Scale does a top notch version, so be sure to check it out! Don’t forget, I also did the art for Darkening Scale’s The Entomology Of Sound and Sonic Archaeology, which you should also pick up while you’re at it if you haven’t already

Lightly Carnaged!
I made a new website where I put a bunch of silly and absurd things that I’ve made that aren’t exactly my art. It’s mostly music videos that me and my hubby have done, as well as wacky gifs I’ve made, exotic recipes, Ostrich Von Nipple Invaders game… etc.!!! Check it out!

More birds
Almost finished with my next zine Bird Dreams – Feast. It’s the second in the Bird Dreams zine series, and I’m excited to release it soon because my first one proved to be quite popular. You can still pick that one up at my Etsy shop. Also, having some fun doing some smaller paintings (5″ X 8″ roughly). Check them out!

Doin’ stuff, makin’ things.
If you haven’t been following me on Instagram, you may have missed some new pieces I’ve been making….
Had some fun using instrument strings to add some pizazz to this little painting…
And then there’s this little watercolor painting of a bird eating berries…
that’s it for now, I’m very much looking forward to 2019. There will be collabs with most of my usual friends and also I’m excited to finish some larger artworks that I’ve been working on lately!

A new art zine – Stone Face Gang #1
I was having so much fun with taking pictures of my painted rock assemblages, I decided to make a zine out of it! It’s called Stone Face Gang #1. Available on Etsy for now I’ll put it up on eBay too soon for those who prefer to buy there.
It’s the usual length I like to do – 20pages (including cover). Since it is so ink heavy, this time around I decided to get it professionally printed. It’s on nice 80lb text weight glossy paper.
I also made got some prints of these images, just in case you would rather display the images than have them in a zine. You can get them as 20 – 8.5″ X 5.5″ individual prints or 9 – 8.5″ X 11″ paired prints (plus 8.5″ X 5.5″ front and back cover). Since the prints are sort of one sided (the backside is a standard back for all the prints), it took twice the printing/paper as the zine so that’s why it’s more expensive.

Assemblage and Video of Assemblage
If you’ve been following me on Instagram you may know that I’ve occasionally been doing some assemblages. I started doing them because I wanted to post cool stuff on Instagram, but my usual paintings take a lot of time, so I had to try something a little different. I’m really liking doing them and have even branched out into making stop motions animations of them. Here’s one I recently made into a little music video and put it on my Youtube Channel:
Also, here’s a couple of the pictures of assemblages I’ve done (Check out my Instagram to see more):

Scrub Jay’s Secret Stash
Recently finished a painting of a Scrub jay and it’s secret stash of peanuts. He’s found that the best place to hide his nuts are places where nobody wants to go anyway, a couple of old skulls.
I used a couple of old skulls I found in the desert and my scrub jay friends as reference for this one.

Crystal Xylophone
Having fun doing outer space paintings, here’s my newest one!
It’s a gouache painting on 16″ X 20″ Illustration board.

Wandering space junkyard moves through the sky
Finished a new outer space themed artwork. It features a group of wandering space beings make their way the night sky! It’s done in gouache paint and is about 15″ x 19″. Still taking a break from actively selling artwork so there are no links on where to buy. If you want to make an offer (through my contact form or Instagram), I might be willing to consider it… keep in mind this piece took somewhere around a couple of weeks or so of full time work to complete. Don’t want to make an offer but still interested? Let me know and I’ll add you to the dibs list for it (a list I made to keep track of the artworks I have and who’s interested, and in what order I was contacted by interested parties, so that I can contact them back when I get back to actively selling things).

It’s quail ‘o clock!
I finished a quail painting in watercolor recently. Largest watercolor I’ve ever done I think! It’s 22″ x 30″.
I have a family of quail living in my backyard who I see every day so I feel like this piece just had to be done. Quail are amazing, they can walk and peck at the ground straight out of the egg!!! Mom and Pop are are always close to keep watch and shuffle the chicks into the bushes when they sense any danger, but I still get to see them a lot since I put out seeds for the birds and have a birdbath appropriate for the ground birds. 🙂 🙂 Anywho, so yeah… here’s some pics of my quail inspired piece! 🙂
And some inspiration photos I took of the quail that live in my yard. 🙂

Washtub Bass Complete
I finished painting the Washtub Bass that my honey built! Really pleased with how it turned out. Looks great and it even plays pretty well too. Here’s some pics!
and a before pic…

Paint Sample Drawings
We recently painted the outside of our house and had a bunch of extra paint sample chips laying around. I found I like using the name of the color as the inspiration for a little drawing so I’ve been doing a few of them a week. Follow me on Instagram if you want to see more of them, I’ve still got a pile of paint samples so I’ll likely be doing more.

Birds In Tangled Grass
Here’s another one of my larger bird artworks. Painted on 140lb watercolor paper with watercolor paint.

Bird Paintings In Progress
Working on some larger artworks and so far it’s bird themed (no surprise there, I’ve been doing a lot of birds in general lately). Thought I’d share a pic or two. I don’t usually do open canvas style artworks, but I wanted to experiment with it and see how it goes. I’m liking it a lot so far. Here’s one example of what I’ve been working on, a portrait of our backyard robin.

Bird Bass Finished
I recently finished painting a bird head on a bass! I followed the contours of the instrument closely when it came to the design which resulted in a pretty wacky looking bird head… and I like it very much like it that way :).  The next painted instrument to finish will be the washtub bass which I’m painting a owl head on.

Poxodd on Social Media
Just some info about my social media habits in case anybody is wondering where is best to get PoxInfo. If you visit, follow me on twitter or subscribe to the newsletter (subscribe on the right side bar of my main page) you will mostly hear about new artworks and events.
If you can’t get enough poxodd, then I recommend following me on Instagram which is where I post the most. There you can find a bunch of posts about my art, past and present, as well as photos of things I am inspired by or interesting things I encounter.
I’m also on Facebook of course…. but that’s the worst place to stay informed, I am slow to post there so often new originals are sold before I even get around to posting them on Facebook.
I also have a YouTube channel which has mostly videos of 3d items I’ve made as well as some music videos where I take the footage movie (or something) and put it to a song!

Painting Guitars is fun!
Recently decided to pick up an unfinished guitar and unfinished bass to paint! I gotta say, I’m really happy with how the guitar turned out. I painted it with casein paint, which has a matte finish and will become very durable after a few months. I don’t plan on varnishing it, that would make it too glossy and I really like that matte finish. I plan on painting the covers on the back flat black because I don’t like the way the ivory color stands out. Also there are a couple touch ups here and there but so excited to be pretty much done with it though and eager to get started on the bass. I’ll do that one differently with faster drying paint and a glossy clear coat to protect it… it will be a little more practical that way.
Seems to sound pretty good too, I’m going to get someone who plays guitar to do some nice riffs on it and make a video at some point!

Zine-O-Matic – Plumage
I’d like to give a shout out to Zine-O-Matic who recently purchased a batch of my Bird Dreams – Plumage zine to send out in one of their monthly shipments! Obviously, we know they are good at finding the coolest zines (we know this because they found mine ;p ) so you really must check them out if you have any interest in zines.  They’re some cool peeps with a neat-o business that helps us creative types get our art and words out into the world.
Also, hello and welcome to anyone who liked my zine enough to seek me out here on my personal website! If anyone wants to give me commentary (good or bad) about my zine, I’d love to hear it, feel free to drop me a line at or use the form at the bottom of this post. I’ll give those who toss me a comment about my zine a coupon for free domestic shipping that can be used at my Etsy store, as well as my gratitude.
[si-contact-form form=’2′]

Sweet Things
Yes that’s right… I’ve got a pile of sweet things for ya! One of the things I’ve been working on is a new 9 card art card series which is going to be vegetable theme. In the process of making it though, I thought of these two images Sweet Corn and Sweet Potato, and thought they’d make for good greeting card images, so I decided to not include them in my art card series and do them as greeting cards instead.  I may do them as post cards eventually too.
I’ve made 2 different color variations of greeting cards for each image… and the original artworks are for sale too! Check them all out at my etsy store.

Well of Ink
Happy New Year everyone! I hope your first few days of 2018 are going well. I realized I haven’t put anything new up for sale in a while so here’s a brand new new one.
“Well of Ink” is a 8.5″ X 11″ pen and ink drawing that I recently finished. This black and white piece has a lot of detail and it’s really got some great movement! Check it out on Etsy for more information and pictures.

Snowepede Original now on Etsy
This is a painting that did in 2014 and I totally forgot I still have! I found it while organizing and have now put it back up for sale. Check it out!
I still have postcards of this piece available as well.

Penn & Teller
YAYYY! Got to go to my 20th anniversary of seeing a Penn & Teller show last Saturday.  It was a great show!!! Me, my hubby and my dad all had a fantastic time. I had seen the show a couple years ago too, and I was happy that this show was almost completely different from last time. Definitely worth drive from Reno.
After the show I succeeded in getting my screenshot of P&T from The Residents – The Eyes Scream signed by both of them! I watched that VHS so many times when I was a teen. I watched it every day after school for a couple years! It was my first introduction to P&T and for me it will always be a beloved classic.
Looking forward to keeping up with future P&T things!!!

The Darkening Scale – Sonic Archaeology is now available for purchase!
I’m very honored to have done the art for the new The Darkening Scale album Sonic Archaeology!!!! 😀 😀 It’s full of really great tunes and I’m very pleased with how the art turned out. It’s now available for purchase at don’t forget to pick one up!

Caught up on adding some older originals to my Etsy shop
I’ve caught up on adding some older originals to my Etsy shop. My originals section went empty shortly after my Poxodd Day sale so I decided I should rummage around to see what else I have to offer. Found some things I forgot to transfer from my old shop, and added one painting from 2010 that’s never been previously available. New stuff coming soon, but I’ve been on vacay this last week and have been busy just working on making more new art lately.
I’ve got Transformation Into Coffee (2016) up:
and Gruesome Discovery (2013):

Go get some free PoxArt!
Making a special blog post for my mom’s submission to my patron gallery.
Check out her super cool way of marketing for me at Autoworld Santa Cruz! If you live in the area… stop by… pick up some Poxart and rent a car!!! 😀

A Minor Hex By Locust Fellow & Friends Now Available at!
A Minor Hex by Locust Fellow & Friends! It’s now available a! Â
This CD is a continuation of the Curse of The Baleful Caller project I did with LF&F. Make sure you’ve picked them both up! They’re some sweet poxart packages around some fantastic tunes by Locust Fellow & Friends.

Poxodd Day went well and I have a lot of packages to fulfill!!! I’ll have them all packed up and ready tonight so I can send them out in the morning. Thank you all for participating in poxodd day and thanks for all the kind birthday wishes!!!

It’s Poxodd Day!
It’s Poxodd Day!!! (my birthday) use coupon code POXDAY2017 at my Etsy store (there’s a place to enter it in your shopping cart) for 38% OFF everything in my store (because I’m turning 38), TODAY ONLY!!! WOOOO! *throws confetti*

September Is Here!!
This September is gonna be awesome! First we start it off with my Birthday Sale, but there are also a couple of albums being release this month that feature PoxAlbumArt!
On Tuesday we celebrate my birthday with a sale at a percentage the same as my age… 38% off!!! Which is innnnsaaaaaaaaneeee! ;p Normally, the most I do for a sale or coupon is 25% (more often 15 or 20), so this is the only day of the year you will get such an awesome deal!
Also coming up on September 9th is the release of A Minor Hex by Locust Fellow & Friends! It’s a bit of unfinished business we had after the Curse of The Baleful Caller, and I’m excited that it’s going to be out very soon, the packaging is covered in PoxArt inside and out! Really happy with how it turned out. You’ll be able to pick it up at Psychofon Records.
And even more cool stuff coming in September with the release of Sonic Archaeology by The Darkening Scale! Another album with the all over PoxArt! It was a pleasure working with David to realize the art for this album. I’ll post again about it when there’s a release date…

The Perfect Stick
I’ve finished a new artwork! It’s called “The Perfect Stick” and features a bird species from poxoddland ( there is a similar bird in my Bird Dreams – Plumage zine ).
She’s found the perfect stick and now is looking for the perfect tree to built a nest. The artwork is a drawing with layered color, I used watered down gouache paint to do the colored work and a black ink for outlines and details.  I also thought this image would make for a really nice greeting card, so I made some hand made cards based on this image (I redid the image digitally to fit well as a card). There is only a very low quantity right now since this is the first time I’ve done greeting cards and I don’t know what the demand will be.
So come on in and visit my etsy shop to get them while you can!
Also… heads up my Birthday sale is coming up in less than a week! On September 5th, all things in my Etsy shop will be 38% off in honor of my age!