Bird Dreams #3 Zine Coming Soon, New Tee Design, New Artworks

Just added to PoxShop 11/10/23
Original paintings and open editions added to my store

Time for a Feast
It’s arrived! The second issue of the Bird Dreams Zine series. It’s called Feast and is bird and food themed, and very much along the same lines with the art as Bird Dreams Plumage. Speaking of Plumage, I stopped making the first edition of it and we’re now onto the second edition which is also now available. You can also now get both zines at the same time and save a buck. Also, I made a blank greeting/note card to go with the new feast zine which you can buy on it’s own, or pick it up along with the new zine – you’ll save $1 off buying them separately… and bonus, if you opt in for the card, I will also sign the zine!
So please have a stop by my Etsy shop and check out all the new stuff. Most of it is also available on eBay too if you prefer.

Doin’ stuff, makin’ things.
If you haven’t been following me on Instagram, you may have missed some new pieces I’ve been making….
Had some fun using instrument strings to add some pizazz to this little painting…
And then there’s this little watercolor painting of a bird eating berries…
that’s it for now, I’m very much looking forward to 2019. There will be collabs with most of my usual friends and also I’m excited to finish some larger artworks that I’ve been working on lately!

Washtub Bass Complete
I finished painting the Washtub Bass that my honey built! Really pleased with how it turned out. Looks great and it even plays pretty well too. Here’s some pics!
and a before pic…

Birds In Tangled Grass
Here’s another one of my larger bird artworks. Painted on 140lb watercolor paper with watercolor paint.

Bird Paintings In Progress
Working on some larger artworks and so far it’s bird themed (no surprise there, I’ve been doing a lot of birds in general lately). Thought I’d share a pic or two. I don’t usually do open canvas style artworks, but I wanted to experiment with it and see how it goes. I’m liking it a lot so far. Here’s one example of what I’ve been working on, a portrait of our backyard robin.

Bird Bass Finished
I recently finished painting a bird head on a bass! I followed the contours of the instrument closely when it came to the design which resulted in a pretty wacky looking bird head… and I like it very much like it that way :).  The next painted instrument to finish will be the washtub bass which I’m painting a owl head on.