Artworks added for sale at my eBay store

Zines Have Arrived
Bird Dreams #3 and Stone Face Gang #2 Now Available!

My Online Shop Is Now Open
New Poxodd Art Shop NOW OPEN!

Time for a Feast
It’s arrived! The second issue of the Bird Dreams Zine series. It’s called Feast and is bird and food themed, and very much along the same lines with the art as Bird Dreams Plumage. Speaking of Plumage, I stopped making the first edition of it and we’re now onto the second edition which is also now available. You can also now get both zines at the same time and save a buck. Also, I made a blank greeting/note card to go with the new feast zine which you can buy on it’s own, or pick it up along with the new zine – you’ll save $1 off buying them separately… and bonus, if you opt in for the card, I will also sign the zine!
So please have a stop by my Etsy shop and check out all the new stuff. Most of it is also available on eBay too if you prefer.

Sale on Bird Dreams – Plumage 1st Edition
Next week, I’m expecting to release the second edition of Bird Dreams – Plumage and first edition of Bird Dreams – Feast. Until then, I’ve put the first edition of Bird Dreams – Plumage on Sale – 25% OFF at my Etsy shop and $1.00 off on eBay (it was $4.50, now it’s $3.50) until next Thursday to make room for the new zines! So if you want to get your hands on a first edition version hurry up and get it while you still can.
The differences between the two editions are fairly minor, the first edition is home printed on speckled paper and has borders, while the new one is professionally printed on white satin paper and the art goes to the edge.

Zine-O-Matic – Plumage
I’d like to give a shout out to Zine-O-Matic who recently purchased a batch of my Bird Dreams – Plumage zine to send out in one of their monthly shipments! Obviously, we know they are good at finding the coolest zines (we know this because they found mine ;p ) so you really must check them out if you have any interest in zines.  They’re some cool peeps with a neat-o business that helps us creative types get our art and words out into the world.
Also, hello and welcome to anyone who liked my zine enough to seek me out here on my personal website! If anyone wants to give me commentary (good or bad) about my zine, I’d love to hear it, feel free to drop me a line at or use the form at the bottom of this post. I’ll give those who toss me a comment about my zine a coupon for free domestic shipping that can be used at my Etsy store, as well as my gratitude.
[si-contact-form form=’2′]

NEW! Bird Dreams – Plumage Zine
It’s called “Bird Dreams – Plumage” I have it in a standard edition and a very limited edition of only 20 which also includes a print set version of the zine and two wearable paper bow ties!
Now gettums yerself to buyin’ this zine to help cure yer boredom
and maybe you should splurge on a limited edition version so you can look sharp at the next fancy event you attend!