Bird Dreams #3 Zine Coming Soon, New Tee Design, New Artworks

Vampire Bat

Do you have to interact with others this Halloween but don’t really want to bother with a costume? Good news, now you can wear a PoxArt Vampire Bat shirt for Halloween and the need to show it off will give you good excuse to not wear a costume! You’re welcome 🙂
Or just pick one up cause you like bats, or vampires, or vampire bats. ;p
If you want one for Halloween, make sure to buy it ASAP. With processing and shipping time, it could take a bit to get to you.
Shirts are available on Amazon (Via Links on
Other items (mugs) can be found on my Etsy Shop

Autumn Insects Shirt

Welcome to October, Autumn Insects Shirt Design is here!
Gettin’ into the mood for all that fall foliage. I made this design based off of a gouache painting I did years back. You can have a looksee at

Going Nowhere Slowly Shirt

Going Nowhere Slowly Design
Even though I decided not to concentrate on my shirt design website anymore, you can still get my shirts designs from Amazon. I’m occasionally adding new ones. Just added a “Going Nowhere Slowly” snail shirt, a great design for your autumn escapades. You can find links to it here at along with my other designs as well.

Butterfly’s Bike Ride

I’ve added a new fun and colorful nature/bicycle theme postcard to by Etsy and Ebay called Butterfly’s Bike Ride. I’ve updated my assortments on Etsy and Ebay to include this post card as well. Also, I created a shirt design for it before I quit making shirt designs so you can pick that up on Amazon, has all the links to the designs I’ve made.