The Rain Collector – 11″ x 14″ pen and ink, watercolor collage

1/3/25 Update
Happy New Year everyone! Best wishes for a great 2025

11/12/24 Update
New 18″ X 24″ artwork

Painted Rock Auctions
I’m selling some of my painted rocks that I made for Stone Face Gang #2.

5/24/24 Update
Bird Dreams Noise, Stone Face Gang #2 zines due to be out beginning of June. New painting!

5/7/24 Update
New Zine Release slightly delayed. In the meantime, here’s a recent painting

4/22/24 Update
Bird Dreams #3 Zine Coming Soon, New Tee Design, New Artworks

An internal fire shines a bright spotlight from this musician who plays sunny songs that cause the curtains of night to open

Night Cap
When someone mentions a nightcap, I think of a sleeping cap made out of night time

Paper Cuts
….particularly if you are a finger dragon, that’s it’s kryptonite!

Dusty Backroad
Zoooooom! One can really get to kicking up dust on those desert backroads. Dust devils rejoice!

Moonlit Oasis
This new artwork features a full moon wandering the desert