Happy New Year everyone, I hope you’re all having a nice one so far. Good news for anyone who’s been waiting for more postcard designs I’ve just released 18 new ones!
I built on the ones I already had and made various themed sets as well as a 26 post card pack, avail here on Etsy/Ebay. They are also available individually on Etsy/Ebay. On Etsy, there is a special listing for build your own set, which may be interesting for those who want to pick and choose a few designs.
If you’re buying on Etsy you can enter the coupon code NEWCARDS to get 20% off all cards (ends 1.23.22)
So sorry about that 🙁 I used to be happy to send internationally, but in recent years most countries have started making a lot more laws around international mailings (and it seems they are just making more and more each day) and it’s become overwhelmingly complicated and difficult to keep up with. Not only that but the cost to ship even small packages is quite high these days which tends to upset customers even if I only charged exactly what it costs to ship (seems like it’s usually $15-$25 + VAT to ship a small package of zines/postcards for example). It all became too much, and I gave up. 🙁
I might put more effort into offering international shipping if I start offering more expensive items, then it would be more worth while to make the effort.
Too bad you dont send to norway ;(((((
Thanks for your interest! 🙂
It’s possible that I will make some ACEOs at some point (and yes I would sell them), I’ve made a lot of them in the past. I don’t have any available right now, small works such as ACEOs sell super fast.
I don’t take commissions at this time. Been on a break from selling originals in general, but lately I’ve been focusing on getting my finished originals ready for sale. I have a lot of my own art projects that I’m backed up on that I really want to work on as well. Commissions aren’t really high up on my list of things to do so I’m really not sure when I’d get back to being open to it unfortunately.
Do you sell original ACEO drawings? Or make originals on commission? If so I would be interested in pricing. Thank you!