Bird Dreams #3 and Stone Face Gang #2 Now Available!
Bird Noise Themed Zine and Painted Rock Themed Zine

The new Bird Dreams #3 ~Noise~ Zine and the new Stone Face Gang #2 have arrived!!! They look fantastic and I’m super excited to release them! They’re now available on my eBay store and Etsy shop. I’ve also created some sets of all the Bird Dreams Zines together and both the Stone Face Zines as well as a set of all the zines for your convenience and you will also save a little bit per zine.
- Bird Dreams Set on eBay (also single Bird Dreams zines)
- Stone Face Gang Set on eBay (also single Stone Face zines)
- Bird Dreams Set on Etsy (click here for just Bird Dreams – Noise)
- Stone Face Gang Set on Etsy (click here for just Stone Face Gang 2)
Also for a limited time, I’m having a sale. It’s going to be 20% off zine stuff through June 6, including new zines, old zines and original drawings. I’ll add some more original drawings from my new zine soon as well. If you miss out on the 20% sale, you can still grab a 10% sale through the 9th.
Here’s a couple quick breeze-throughs of the new zines! (Don’t click on them if you want to avoid spoilers)…