New 18″ X 24″ artwork

Change of Plan…
“Lenticular” and “The Usual Rival” up for sale. Also, my store moved to eBay!

My Online Shop Is Now Open
New Poxodd Art Shop NOW OPEN!

An internal fire shines a bright spotlight from this musician who plays sunny songs that cause the curtains of night to open

Night Cap
When someone mentions a nightcap, I think of a sleeping cap made out of night time

Paper Cuts
….particularly if you are a finger dragon, that’s it’s kryptonite!

Dusty Backroad
Zoooooom! One can really get to kicking up dust on those desert backroads. Dust devils rejoice!

Moonlit Oasis
This new artwork features a full moon wandering the desert

Winter’s Peak
The winter snow storms are in full swing right now here in Reno

Lingering Lenticular
This piece is my recent artistic ode to lenticular clouds

The Usual Rival
This one is a depiction of a lighthouse battling the fog – it’s usual rival

Touchdown on Star Lake

This is a piece I finished recently. It’s a casein painting on panel 16″ X 20″. I’m calling it “Touchdown on Star Lake”.
Star Lake is not referring to an irl lake, it just feels like the right way to describe this night time lake scene. To me, this painting depicts a pilot, who does fancy maneuvers before touching down on a lake at night. The bird represents the steering wheel, the lion is the airplane and the dragon is the wind they’re riding upon. Go ahead and create your own story about where she comes from and why she’s there.
I’ve added it to the Across The Universe category of my gallery, which you should check out if you like sci-fi, aliens and outer space scenes.

Gallery Update 7/10/22

I put this “Handler” with a few of his pets up in the creatures category.
Casein painting on a 11″ x 14″ panel.
I also added this Hurricane to my Living Landscapes Category.
Casein painting on a 12″ x 12″ panel.
Will update again soon, thanks for stopping by!

Gallery Update 6/7/22

Added some more artworks to my gallery…
These two are now on a new Odds and Ends page:
And then added this little guy to the Animals and Creatures page:

Gallery Update 5/2/22

You may have seen these artworks if you follow me on Instagram. Finally got around to adding them to my gallery pages.
Added this to the Wilderness gallery page.
I decided this one goes best in the Across The Universe category.
This one got added to the Animal and Creatures gallery.